Cosmic Coincidence

This week, a solar eclipse made its way across North America. If you found yourself anywhere near its path, I hope you were able to take a moment and simply marvel. This natural phenomenon can only happen because of our planet’s distance from our star and our moon’s distance from our planet. These three celestialContinue reading “Cosmic Coincidence”

Resting Rebellion

In honor of the first day of spring, a poem. Redbuds are pink. Violets are blue. Spring has returned. Aaa…aaa…aaa…choo! Spring is many things. It’s nature’s restart and revenge on our sinuses. It’s the return of activity and busyness. It’s a reminder of our own connection to nature and the power of rest. In aContinue reading “Resting Rebellion”

A Little Reminder

Last Valentine’s Day I wrote about the fortuitous timing of the first buds of the year on my miniature rose plant, Mr. Thornton. This year, a new round of buds has once again shown up just in time for this heart-filled holiday. While I stand by the fact that Mr. Thornton is a bit ofContinue reading “A Little Reminder”

Circumstantial Smile

Happy Groundhog Day! It’s that time of year when we (in the northern hemisphere) turn our attention to the wise woodchucks for the timeline of the changing seasons. This year, we seem destined for an early spring, or at least that’s the hope. And that is what all the silliness and pageantry is about, reallyContinue reading “Circumstantial Smile”

Resolve to Reflect

Welcome to 2024. For those in the northern hemisphere, it’s the beginning of winter. It’s a time of rest and reserve. It’s cold and the call for coziness is at its peak. Yet we’re also being called to dive head first into our New Year’s resolutions. Partial disclosure, I am not a New Year’s resolutionContinue reading “Resolve to Reflect”

Holiday Homestretch

We’ve made it to the holiday homestretch and the new year is well within our sights. It’s a small window where most of us give ourselves permission to rest, reflect, and look forward. A moment of relaxation is a powerful thing. It can leave us feeling renewed or quite the opposite. The outcome depends onContinue reading “Holiday Homestretch”

Merry Mayhem

A few weeks ago I found myself in the lobby of the Palmer House hotel. It was a holiday weekend so the place was packed with people and Christmas decorations. I made my way through the festive frenzy as gracefully as possible and finally reached the elevator lobby. I may have waited for a minuteContinue reading “Merry Mayhem”

Festive Focus

In photography, there’s a term known as “bokeh.” It refers to that visually pleasing effect you get when the background of a photo blurs away and all the points of light become fuzzy orbs. It draws your eye to the photo’s focus and gives the world a soft, ethereal glow. Part of achieving this effectContinue reading “Festive Focus”

About Life

With spooky season upon us, I have a confession to make. I love a good ghost story, anecdote, or any kind of unexplainable, supernatural encounter. Sadly, I don’t have any personal ghostly experiences, just the odd tale of malfunctioning electronics and other weird coincidences. Perhaps I’ll share those at a later date, but for now,Continue reading “About Life”

Look for the Magic

When I get stuck in my head, I like to go for a walk with my camera. It’s that slight step outside of comfort combined with a search for a new perspective through creative lens. It’s almost always the perfect, simple solution for even the most seemingly dire circumstances. More and more I find myselfContinue reading “Look for the Magic”