Look for the Magic

When I get stuck in my head, I like to go for a walk with my camera. It’s that slight step outside of comfort combined with a search for a new perspective through creative lens. It’s almost always the perfect, simple solution for even the most seemingly dire circumstances.

More and more I find myself doing it preemptively to ward off the Sunday scarries or keep the writers block at bay. It’s also a good gage for where I’m at mentally.

If I go out with a specific shot in mind, odds are that dream shot is where my mind will be instead of on the here and now. On the other hand, everything seems to have its own beauty and magic when that is what you’re looking for.

My head was somewhere between those two places on a recent walk. I was struggling to be inspired and ready to admit defeat when I had a run-in with royalty in the form of a monarch butterfly.

The moment was as small and fleeting as a butterfly, but it had just the right amount of magic. It was a nice reminder that even with all the power we give to the dark and dreariness of this world it still can’t take the joy of something as small as butterfly wings.

Be Kind. Be Brave. Stay Awkward. Remember to look for the magic.

Published by Lindsey

Writer | Editor | Reader | Theater Nerd | Photographer | Traveler | List Enthusiast

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