A Moment to Adjust

This past weekend, Daylight Saving Time (DST) ended in the U.S. That means on Sunday morning we woke to a world that was very much the same, but also an hour earlier than we expected. This changing of the clocks combined with the changing of the seasons means our days feel a little shorter andContinue reading “A Moment to Adjust”

Worth Fighting For

It’s the Fourth of July. A day where, in the U.S.. we celebrate our independence. I’ve written and rewritten these thoughts countless times. The Supreme Court’s decision regarding Roe v. Wade has been coloring my view; frankly, I’ve been struggling to find a reason to celebrate the United States today (or any day). I’m not ready to break out the sparklers, but here is where I’m at.

Role Reversal

The current conversation surrounding the reversal of Roe v. Wade has been on my mind a lot over the past few weeks. I’ve tried to stay clear of political issues on here thus far, but I would argue that a woman’s right to bodily autonomy isn’t something that should be debated or determined by politics. So, excuse me while I dip my toe into these infuriatingly controversial waters.