Seasonal Reprogramming

In my corner of the world, it feels like autumn has finally arrived. The air is crisper. The sunshine is softer. Most importantly, the clothes are cozier.

Coziness aside, my favorite thing about autumn is the speed adjustment it demands. Fall is a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it season. To even have a prayer of noticing it, you have to slow down.

To truly experience autumn in all its glory requires a change of pace and a seasonal reprogramming of all the senses. The sites, the tastes, the smells, the sounds, the warmth—they require and request your full attention.

It’s fleeting nature—literally. There’s more meaning because it’s finite and fragile. A gusty day or an early cold snap, and, at least in part, it’s gone.

Yes, there will be other autumns, but this one will only happen once. So, slow your speed, turn up your senses, and enjoy.

Be Kind. Be Brave. Stay Awkward.

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Seasonal Reprogramming Onward & Awkward

Published by Lindsey

Writer | Editor | Reader | Theater Nerd | Photographer | Traveler | List Enthusiast

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